Building a business is like building a house.
- You firstly need to decide what you want to build
- Then you develop a plan of how it's going to look
- Once you have a plan you start to find people who can help you
- Then you take action and start to build
Anyone who has ever built or renovated will tell you there are always a few hiccups and there is a lot of prep work and running around until the project is finished.
Building a business is just the same, you need to know what to do and put a little graft into achieving the plan. Anyone who tells you it is easy has either had a couple of businesses before or they are lying!
So ask yourself this - can someone who has never built a house suddenly pick up a hammer and create a mansion?
We know it would be a miracle if they did! So why are so many natural therapists running about trying to set up a practice when they know nothing about business?
If you don't get the right knowledge upfront and the right tools you will have a shakey mansion.
That's why we start right back at the beginning and move forward from there.
The first two lessons are free - yes with no strings attached or tricks up our sleeve! We are so confident you will love this program that we offer the first module and the first two lessons for free so we don't waste our valuable time doing promotional calls that don't add value. Instead we launch straight in. You get to experience what the course will be like in real time, with real people and if you don't like it, you can keep the module and the knowledge with our blessing. If you do like it, and you are one of the first ten to sign up - then everyone is happy.
The course is limited to 10 people to ensure everyone gets special attention - so just as soon as you are ready - then jump in, because this is a popular program and there are only two courses per year.
Over a Six Month Period "Easy Solutions for YOUR Success" will cover:
Month 1 - Building a Strong Mental Foundation
We start by supporting/facilitating you to identify the way forward and getting you crystal-clear about your vision.
We will then build your belief that you can achieve what you want.
- You will learn to identify and release limiting beliefs about who you are and what you can achieve.
- These three steps are the core basic structure required to build a solid business. Just like with any structure, if the foundations are dodgy, anything you try to build will topple over in a short period of time.
- “Easy Solutions for YOUR Success” is about building long-term success with a strong base platform from which you will able to launch anything in the future.
If your head and thoughts aren’t in the right place, then your business has no hope of surviving, let alone thriving.
Modules Covered:
- The Critical Foundation: Decide, Dream, Believe
- AttrACTION: What You Need to Think and Do
- Determine Your WHO & WHAT (Target Market & Niche)
Month 2 - Learning the Core Marketing Essentials
Determining WHO you work with and WHAT you do for them is crucial in developing a strong marketing and personal message to the world.
We will look at:
- Where you have come from, what has influenced you in the past, who has worked with you already, and who you really are. Once you are clear on WHO you have been attracting and WHY, we can then start to look at WHAT you really do for those people at a deep level.
The biggest mistake therapists make is thinking they can work with everyone in every situation and in every marketplace. It's just not true. It is highly damaging on an energetic and emotional level if you try to be all things to all people.
Think for a moment about an international flight. It may appear that an airline serves all people all the time. When you get down to it, most international flights have at least four cabins – First Class, Business Class, Extra Leg Room and Cattle Class. Then two people can be sitting side by side, having paid wildly different prices for their seat, yet are consuming the exact same services. Just like the airlines, the more you target a particular type of person, the more you can charge.
- We will identify WHO you are best to work with
- What your ideal client will look like
- How to create lasting relationships so they keep on returning
- How to get people you already know sending you your ideal clients
Modules Covered:
- Create Your How (Your Program for Your Business)
- How To Conduct Effective Grassroots Marketing
Month 3 - Pricing for Profit and Maximum Exposure
In this section you will learn to price for profit.
So many therapists set out with one price and one service which, lets face it, creates a job.
“Easy Solutions for YOUR Success” teaches you how to create a price funnel that will allow people to experience you at many different price levels from free to your newly created high-end products.
I never had a high-end product until my coach challenged me to create one. Guess what – someone bought it! But if it isn’t sitting in your product and services bundle as an option – of course no one can pay you more than you have ever dreamed of getting in one transaction.
In this section of “Easy Solutions for YOUR Success” we will determine the right pricing and packaging alternatives for your business which best meet your prospective customers' needs.
Modules Covered:
- How to Set Your Fees
- Overcoming Money Fears
Month 4 - Mastering the Sales Process
If you have ever been frustrated by trying to get people to the door, through the door and working with you on a regular basis, then you are going to love this part of the program.
Once I understood that I could SELL by simply TELLING people what I did, things became a lot easier.
We won’t be turning you into a shonky-tonk pushy sales person, but we will teach you ways you can make it easy for people to understand what you do for them. Enter into a conversation and then simply start using your ears not your mouth to SELL.
Developing your “sales listening skill” will not only get you more clients more easily but it will take the pressure off as you start to confidently attend networking events and appear in public, because you will know what to say, when to say it and when to shut up!
Once I learned how to sell with my ears - things became a lot easier for me.
We will also tackle the dreaded subject of overcoming objections. What to do and say in those horrible moments when you wish the floor would swallow you up.
There are only about seven things that hold people back from working with you. Not being able to afford it is one of the first objections that come out of anyone’s mouth but it is rarely the real reason why they don’t come back to see you.
In this fascinating part of the course you will understand the real reasons why people don’t buy, the magic question to always ask at the start of new consultation that ensures you will never hard sell, and we will give you seven powerful responses to the seven most common objections, ensuring you will convert many more clients to regular, happy paying clients.
You will learn to handle objections with ease!
These four steps taught over four months will give you the basics you need to get a steady flow of clients into your practice.
HOWEVER, you can choose at this time to go ahead and learn some of the more advanced marketing techniques and start to build a strong online presence that will eventually see you recognised as a dedicated, proficient and knowledgeable specialist in your area of expertise.
We will teach you how to take your message to a wider, more global audience and start teaching people some of the things you already carry in your head but have not yet realised are “packagable,” or that anyone would want to know them.
Modules Covered:
- Master the Two for One Session
- Overcoming Objections and Securing the Client
Month 5 - How Speaking Can Bring You New Clients, New Confidence and New levels of Expert Status in a Very Short Period of Time
Speaking is probably THE most powerful thing you can learn to do in your business. If you follow our three-stage step-through process you will not only get more people coming up asking you questions at the end, you will walk away with a fist full of hot leads that you can start following up on the next day.
A one-hour free talk can reap many different rewards including cash, clients and credibility.
Once you have the right knowledge you will be more confident to get out in public and have a go.
Modules Covered:
- How To Create a Long-Term Marketing System
- How To Use Speaking to Grow Your Business
- Getting Speaking Bookings
Month 6 - Elaine’s Networking Secrets from Nine Years of Dedicated Networking and Relationship Building
Networking is something you either love or hate, but it is a vital part of your business. You either need to choose networking or speaking or a mixture of both as a way of getting known initially.
Mz Margz hates networking so much she overcame her fear of public speaking so she didn’t have to network!
So the reins are 100% in Elaine’s hands this month as we delve into why Elaine is on a first name basis with most traders in the High Street of her town. Why she continues to use networking as way to build her business. Why her loyal clients will only buy from her when there are others with similar product and messages in her area.
As you read through the list I trust you are getting an understanding of exactly how much you need to know and remember - this is the entry level program!
Modules Covered:
- How To Use Networking More Effectively
- How To Generate More Referrals
- How To Form Powerful Strategic Alliances
Yes there is LOTS to think about and take in ... but you will be supported along the way.
Don't make the fatal error to keep "trying" to do this one your own - its a recipe for disaster.
Do yourself and all those potential clients who are currently trying to find you a favour and CLICK HERE NOW to register